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How to Create a SEO Sitemap Submitter On Blogger page

How to add the SEO Sitemap Submitter tool or script to Blogger....Create a Sitemap Submitter

Why should use the SEO Sitemap Submitter.

SEO Sitemap Submitter is a software or service that shares the sitemap of a website with a search engine. It is an important part of the SEO strategy and is used for the following reasons:

Easy-to-use sitemap aggregators:

These services can be used for almost all websites that collect information in general. This service should be used exclusively on the blog site.

Search Engine Optimization:

By providing an SEO sitemap aggregator, website pages are made available more quickly by search engines. In addition, the indexing process is faster, which increases the visibility of the site.

Customized presentation in search results:

The list of all the pages of the website is presented to the search engine by the sitemap aggregator, and it prepares the search engine in the necessary way in an adequate and effective manner. Gather the necessary pages.

Error Finding:

By using the Sitemap Submitter, you can find and fix any errors or problems within your website.

It also helps search engine crawlers better understand what they think about the pages. Using an SEO sitemap presenter is very important and can help improve your website's search engine optimization and campaigns. It is especially important to update regularly in terms of development so that new pages and overall changes to the site are properly visible to the community.


You Can See the demo link at [Sitemap Submitter].

So begin,

How to Add Blogger Sitemap Submitter

Step 1: At first, go to, then login.

Step 2: Then go to Blogger Pages.

Step 3: After creating A New page,

Step 4: Name your page wisely or use Sitemap Submitter.

Now Page in two options

    1.HTML View

    2.Compose View

Step 5: Switch to HTML mode.

Step 6: Copy the entire code and paste it on the HTML Views page. 

<iframe allow="clipboard-write" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="500" id="eeb1b0" scrolling="no" src=";r=eeb1b0&amp;cookies=0" width="100%"></iframe>

<script type="text/javascript">

  (function(id) {

    var eventMethod = (window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent"), lh = -1;

    window[eventMethod](eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message", function(e) {

      if ( + ':') != 0) return; var h = parseInt( + 1), 10);

      if (lh != h) document.getElementById(id).style.height = h + 'px'; lh = h;

    }, false);


<div style="text-align: justify;"><p><span style="font-family: inherit;"><span style="font-size: medium;">Sitemap Submitter is a free tool that submits your sitemap to the major search engines so they can index it. Search engines include Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Yandex. Sitemap Submitter will check your sitemap for errors! Using this tool is very easy. Sitemaps are a way for webmasters to tell search engines the ranking of their website. Sitemaps are also smart because they can be submitted automatically, meaning they don't need to be submitted manually. This can save webmasters a lot of time, and one of the reasons sitemaps are popular among many webmasters is because a sitemap is a list of web pages on a website and the Sitemap Submitter Tool is an online tool that can be used to submit a sitemap. Could Search engine. Sitemap submission tool is available for free.</span></span></p></div><div><br /></div>

Step 7: Publish the post. Once you have added the HTML code, you can click on the "Publish" button to publish the post on your Blogger website.

Step 8: Link the Sitemap Submitter page. You can add a link to your Sitemap Submitter page in your blog's sidebar or navigation menu so that users can easily access it.

SEO Sitemap Submitter is an important service that shares the sitemap of the website with the search engine. It presents the pages of the website to the search engine crawler and provides accurate information about all the pages of the website. It helps improve the search engine optimization and promotion of the website. Using the SEO sitemap submitter, you can increase the visibility of the site, and the probability that the pages presented in the search results will rise to the top increases.



A few words about the above article
A Comprehensive Website Optimization Service Easy way to get website search engine presence. A Google Search Sitemap of my website is a must-have tool for Search Engine Optimization. How to Use the SEO Sitemap Submitter: An Easy Guide Sitemap Submission and Website Optimization: An Influential Relationship Ability to use Sitemap Submitter: Improve website traffic. Sitemap submissions and search engine growth Key to website visibility. SEO Sitemap Submitter: Improve website campaigns. Sitemap Submission Requirements Pages display properly on search engine crawlers.
Website development, Canva design, video and article writing.

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